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Guided day ceremonies for inner awakening

Make your trip with the largest in the Netherlands in professional,

safe and legal plant medicine ceremonies.


Find out what it's all about

Expand your mind in a safe setting with experienced guides at MindTravellers


Go on a journey with MindTravellers. On an inner journey to unknown, unexplored areas in yourself. To a place where you gain access to other perspectives and enlightening views. A destination you will not easily reach by common conversations. A psilohuasca experience or a Magic Truffle experience can greatly enrich you.  


With the help of our plant medicines, you descend into yourself to explore new territories. Your subconscious shows you surprising panoramas. Insights and wisdom to investigate important life questions with a different perspective. In this way you can transform old blockades and sometimes get a glimpse of the person you can or want to be.
Does this appeal to you? Read more about psilohuasca experiences and Magic Truffle experiences here.


Read more!

Zen Stones

 Psilohuasca Ceremony

You want to participate in our psilohuasca ceremony and are curious about what it all entails. Read more about what it entails and what you can expect

Magic Truffle Ceremony

Find your inner compass and experience how to tune into your inner healing intelligence.

Read more about our magic truffle ceremonies

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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Ceremony

Embark on a unique path of introspection with our Hawaiian Baby Woodrose ceremonies, exploring the depths of your consciousness with this extraordinary visionary plant.

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A safe and

warm atmosphere

We have created a quiet, warm and loving environment, where you will quickly feel at home.  And where you dare to surrender completely to the experience that awaits you. 

MindTravellers not only takes you on an exploration of your consciousness but also caters to your physical and emotional well-being. Our clean, cozy, and inviting environment serves as the perfect backdrop for your profound inner experiences, ensuring you can fully embrace the journey with ease and comfort.


After an intense inner journey with psychedelics, rest and recovery are essential. By participating in a day ceremony you can fully live the experience and then relax in your own bed at home in the evening. This can contribute to a deeper and more restorative sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed and rested the next day.


We invite you to embark on this transformative path with us, knowing that you are in safe and caring hands.


What people say



A safe and

warm atmosphere

We have created a quiet, warm and loving environment, where you will quickly feel at home.  And where you dare to surrender completely to the experience that awaits you. 

MindTravellers not only takes you on an exploration of your consciousness but also caters to your physical and emotional well-being. Our clean, cozy, and inviting environment serves as the perfect backdrop for your profound inner experiences, ensuring you can fully embrace the journey with ease and comfort.


After an intense inner journey with psychedelics, rest and recovery are essential. By participating in a day ceremony you can fully live the experience and then relax in your own bed at home in the evening. This can contribute to a deeper and more restorative sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed and rested the next day.


We invite you to embark on this transformative path with us, knowing that you are in safe and caring hands.


At MindTravellers, you embark on a profound personal journey, delving into the depths of consciousness, guided by expert facilitators, in a pleasant and secure environment.



At MindTravellers, we believe that true transformation happens when we embrace diversity and inclusion, both in our plant medicines and among our participants. We take pride in our inclusive approach, welcoming people of all backgrounds and beliefs to participate in our transformative experiences. Our ceremonies are designed to create a safe, supportive, and respectful space for individuals from diverse backgrounds.


Our Mindtravellers facilitators group consists of a team of knowledgable, loving people who hold the psychedelic space for you, with compassionate care and an open mind. 

Plant medicines, ask us to connect to all parts of ourselves, and if there are painful parts, to confront them directly: they are speaking to us and want to teach us something.

By shining the light of consciousness into the shadowed corners of our psyche, we are able to acknowledge, learn from, and release the suffering attached to them. Our highly skilled, gentle, compassionate Mindtravellers Team members are here for you and guide you through this process of self-discovery. 

With us, there is a warm and cozy atmosphere, where you will find peace and can experience a meaningful journey. 

We are excited to announce that we are taking a groundbreaking step in the Netherlands by ceremonially offering not one, not two, but FOUR plant medicines for personal growth and discovery- all safe, legal and profound. 


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We embrace the beauty of diversity in both the plant kingdom and the human experience 




Met dankbaarheid kijk ik terug op de prachtige reis die ik bij MindTravellers heb mogen maken. Vooraf hoopte ik meer inzicht te krijgen in een levensvraag maar deze ervaring heeft zoveel inzichten en antwoorden gebracht dat ik het life changing kan noemen, behalve deze inzichten en antwoorden was er het mooie gevoel van thuiskomen.

Vanaf het eerste informatieve telefoontje met MindTravellers voel je de passie en het enthousiasme. Ik heb me voor, tijdens en na de reis steeds erg veilig en goed begeleid gevoeld, Rob stond steeds klaar om alle vragen te beantwoorden, ook in de tijd na de ceremonie. De mooie ruimte, de prachtige muziek, de liefdevolle verzorging van Rob en Denise, de fris opgemaakte bedden, het heerlijke eten na de ceremonie en in de ochtend, het delen van de ervaringen en de fijne wandeling hebben er allemaal toe bijgedragen dat het voor mij de perfecte plek was deze reis te maken.




My experience at MindTravellers was beyond amazing. The space that Rob has created is warm, welcoming, inviting, safe, and trustable. The care that is provided before, during, and afterwards is exactly what one needs for their journey. There are thoughtful touches and ideas in the program to give the best experience. There are even comfortable beds and facilities for the overnight stay. Rob provides useful information well in advance, and gives personal attention before and after to really make sure that you are well. The setup is absolutely wonderful and I would totally recommend it for anyone considering a place for their journey. Even if you don't speak Dutch, you'd feel welcome and included.




Ik kijk terug op een hele bijzondere en verrijkende ervaring. De ruimte waar de ceremonie plaatsvind is werkelijk prachtig. Rob is zeer professioneel en helpend waardoor de reis met in een ontspannen sfeer verloopt. Er was heerlijk eten na afloop en comfortabele bedden. Ik zou Mindtravelers aan iedereen aanraden.

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Contact? Bel gerust als je vragen hebt:

Nijverheidsweg 7, 4104 AN

Culemborg, Nederland​

0031 648463277

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©2022 by Mind Travellers. All Rights Reserved.

Begeleiding MindTravellers wordt uitsluitend in het Nederlands en Engels aangeboden

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