How to continue the restoration to wholeness
● Integration
Integration is a very important part of your process. Because you can discover valuable insights, yet if you cannot apply them in your daily life, you are sometimes left with a mixed feeling. Often the real process truly begins after the ceremony. While many individuals have reported benefits, plant medicines are not a magic bullet. To produce lasting change it is necessary to translate and then to integrate what you learned during the session, into your daily life.
Usually participants feel calm and light after a MindTravellers journey. They are happy with what they have experienced and with the insights they have gained. They feel ready to integrate their experiences into their lives. By thinking about it or talking about it with loved ones or other people with similar experiences .
It may also be that painful topics have been touched upon that you would like to discuss with us again. That is of course possible and we are here for you. You are most welcome with us to process and integrate your experiences.
If you would like to speak to a professional integration coach, we can help you with someone from our network. This can be helpful if you're a little confused or anxious about your experience.
Or if you want to make changes in your life based on new insights, but don't know how.
Psychedelic integration is an essential part of the psychedelic experience because it is the activity that makes the insights real.
It is work that moves the insights from the conceptual to the actual.